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Why study Econometrics and Data Science at the UvA?

Choose your language of instruction: Dutch or English

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Start in Dutch and gradually transition to English, or start directly in English.

Find a job in no-time

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Econometrician and data scientist are highly sought after on the labour market.

Study at a top international university

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You will work with and learn from experienced professors, researchers, and specialists. They will teach you the most up-to-date theories and techniques, along with engaging practical cases.

Specialise in your field of interest

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Specialise in Econometrics or Data Science.

Unconditional access to the follow-on Master’s

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Increase your job prospects and specialise, for example, with the Master's in Econometrics. With your internationally recognised Bachelor’s degree you have unconditional access to our follow-on UvA Master’s programmes

Is Econometrics and Data Science for you?

  1. You like mathematics and achieve good grades for it.
  2. You are interested in working with computers and learning how to programme.
  3. You are interested in economics and societal issues.
  4. You are able to think abstractly and analytically and enjoy figuring out answers to complex questions.
  5. You show initiative and are capable of working independently and in groups.
Anna Buijsman, student BSc Econometrics and Data Science
Copyright: Economics and Business
'Econometrics and Data Science is the perfect combination of maths, with a clear practical application in society. The group is small, which means that there are plenty of opportunities for one-on-one interaction with the lecturers.' Read about Anna's experiences with this Bachelor's

Dutch or English?

If you are a Dutch-speaking student, you can also opt for our Dutch track. Both programmes are identical in terms of level and content. If you’re looking for a smoother transition to a fully English-taught programme, the Dutch track could be the right choice for you.

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  • an overview of the study programme
  • the course schedule
  • experiences of current students
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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
BSc Econometrics and Data Science
180 ECTS, 36 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus