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In the Bachelor’s programme Archaeology, you will study past societies – from the Celts and the Romans to the Middle Ages and beyond – and their importance in today’s world. Not only will you research and excavate the material remains of human activity, but you will also learn how this translates to knowledge about earlier cultures. 

By doing this Bachelor’s, you will develop academic skills and insight and will learn that archaeology is connected with many other fields of study, such as heritage, landscape, art and history. Not only will you research and excavate the material remains of human activity, but you will also learn how this translates to knowledge about earlier cultures. Furthermore, the programme is taught in English, so you will be well prepared for work placements abroad and for possible progression to our Master’s degree programmes taught in English. 

Programme composition  

You will learn to use digital, forensic and other modern research techniques, as well as how you can use them to find and analyse archaeological remains. You will also examine various remains, such as pottery, coins and bones, in order to discover how humans used to live. With the aid of maps, geological knowledge and computer models, you will learn how you can reconstruct a landscape in order to find out what it looked like in the past. 

Bachelor's Week information session Arhaeology
Bachelor's Week Information session (recording)

See this recording of our November 2022 live session, in which the Archaeology Bachelor's programme is illustrated.

  • Archaeological Sources
    Period 1
  • What is Archaeology?
    Period 1
  • A Cultural History of the Ancient World 1: The Near East and the Greek World
    Period 2
  • Environmental Archaeology
    Period 2
  • Historical Sources
    Period 3
  • A Cultural History of the Ancient World 2: The Hellenistic World, Italy and Rome
    Period 4
  • Archaeology of Prehistoric and Roman Europe
    Period 4
  • Archaeology and Society
    Period 5
  • Archaeology of Medieval Europe and the Early Modern World
    Period 5
  • Field School 1
    Period 6
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Archaeology
Copyright: Onbekend
Fieldwork is really exciting. It is a bit like unwrapping a present: you have no idea what could be inside. Gert Jan van Wijngaarden, lecturer in Archaeology Read the interview

Accreditation and academic title

The Bachelor's programme Archaeology accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that after successful completion of the programme you will receive a recognised Bachelor’s degree in Archaelogy and the title Bachelor of Arts (BA).