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In this course we will pay attention to these recent cycles in the social, political, and cultural development of Brazil. However, it is important to understand current affairs against the background of long term historical processes and key ingredients of Brazil’s social and cultural configuration. Therefore, in this course we will take an approach that helps students to make sense of Brazil as a society, a country, and a nation that is in constant transformation while being at the same time potent and vulnerable, dynamic and prone to crisis, wealthy and unequal, diverse and exclusionary. The concepts of democracy, citizenship and culture will help us to frame key dimensions of this transformation.


Dr. F. (Fabio) de Castro

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen


Prof. dr. C.G. (Kees) Koonings

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

Time, location en price

  • 12 February - 19 March 2025
  • Wednesday, 11:00-13:00
  • Oudemanhuispoort C0.17
  • Costs: € 165 (€ 148 AUV members)

Important to know

  • The registration deadline for this OUC is 23 January 2025.
  • For the current study schedule, please consult the UvA timetable website
  • You can only audit an OUC, which means that you may only attend lectures and cannot attend seminars, take part in the examination, or obtain ECTS credits.

Study material

  • The literature will consist of a reader of articles and book chapters (about 60 pages to study per meeting). 

Public programme Humanities

This Open UvA Course is part of the Faculty of Humanities' public programme. Beside Open UvA Courses, the public programme also comprises special lectures and series of courses. The public programme is intended for alumni, employees looking for extra training, and all others who are interested in art, culture, philosophy, language and literature, history and religion.

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Open UvA-college