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The Econometrics and Mathematical Economics track places a strong emphasis on statistical techniques for micro and macro-econometrics analysis, as well as mathematical modelling of economic and financial markets. Additionally, the curriculum offers in-depth insights into the behaviour of companies, governments, financial traders, and consumers in various market dynamics.

The programme

Econometrics and Mathematical Economics is one of the tracks of the Master's Econometrics. During your Master's you will follow 4 general courses and 5 track-specific courses and electives. You will finish with a thesis. If you have excellent analytical and leadership abilities and it is your goal to use applied research to tackle complex real-life problems, you can participate in our Honours programme. There is also an opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in both Econometrics and Mathematics, if you opt for a Double Degree Master’s programme.

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I wanted to be an architect when I was a kid. Now I operate as a Machine Learning Engineer. The academic way of tackling a problem, something I learned during my studies, is something I still use a lot. Dolf Noordman - alumnus Master's Econometrics Read about Dolf's experiences with this Master's
Real-life case: optimal soccer team

Econometrics: The manager of a football club can have great influence when it comes to winning prizes. With data driven analyses likely being the future, models that help clubs in managing their teams, become more and more relevant. We discuss an investigation that presents a management tool that can optimise a team's chances of fulfilling its sportive ambitions by adjusting their squad.

Real-life case: redistribution model of research funding

Mathematical economics - Analyse a proposed new model of research funding distribution from a game theoretical point of view. Rather than applying for grants through writing research proposals, peers can distribute the funding freely among themselves. The main point of concern is that researchers will conspire and form a coalition to improve their own funding. Show that the game is indeed vulnerable to coalitions in general.

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