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The courses are structured around real-world case studies. You will learn how to apply models and techniques, and how to use your findings to advise or report to a board of directors. For example: on an organisation’s risk profile, capital allocation, premium setting or the acquisition of an insurance company.


In the modules, you will work on case studies both individually and with a group of fellow students. Each module concludes with an exam. The Personal Leadership module spans the entire programme and culminates in a final oral exam. 

  • Insurance Analytics
    Period 1
  • Health Actuary
    Period 1
  • Product Development
    Period 2
  • Certifying Actuary
    Period 2
  • Caput Actuarial Practice Cycle
    Period 4
  • Solvency
    Period 4
  • Capital & Sustainability
    Period 5
  • M&A Project
    Period 5
  • Personal Leadership
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
The structure of the programme allows for a lot of interaction among students, and with the teachers. There’s a lot of focus on personal development, with room for feedback and self-reflection. Thanks to the industry expertise of the teachers, the programme is at the forefront of the field – they present cases that actuaries and risk managers are actually dealing with right now. Youssef Achnine, Supervisor, De Nederlandsche Bank

Hear what our students and teachers have to say about the modules

Focus on new developments 

At the APC programme, we strive to keep future AG-licensed professionals up to date with the latest developments in their field. This is why we track these developments in the Caput Actuarial Practice Cycle, which covers topics such as pension reform, the new IFRS 17 accounting standard and innovations.

Willeke de Tree - Actuary, DAS
Copyright: FEB
Thanks to the Personal Leadership course, I overcame my fear of public speaking. Willeke de Tree - Actuary, DAS

Personal Leadership: develop your soft skills

The Personal Leadership module, in which you develop and refine your soft skills, is a common thread throughout the programme. It focuses on collaboration, communication, influencing, project management, assessment and professional ethics, and provides training that you can apply in your other courses. Under the guidance of your personal mentor, you will also build a competency file, in which you reflect on your individual professional development.

Rob van Meurs
Copyright: FEB
The extensive integration of actuarial expertise and soft skills is one of the strengths of the APC programme. Rob van Meurs - lecturer in Personal Leadership

Mentoring programme

At the start of your studies, you will be assigned a mentor to help you develop your soft skills throughout the Personal Leadership module. You will also have access to individual coaching for the Stress Management competency. 

‘Mentorship is valuable to both junior and senior actuaries’

Yvette de Koning, Actuary AG (AAG), talks about her role as a mentor in the APC programme.