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You can start your application for the Cybersecurity Leadership Academy online. We recommend reviewing the admission requirements and application details before applying.

Admission requirements 

To be eligible for the Cybersecurity Leadership Academy, you must meet the following requirements: 

  • Completed Bachelor's or Master’s degree*
  • Working in Cybersecurity or ambition to start working in Cybersecurity 
  • English language proficiency 

If you hold a diploma from a Bachelor's programme at a university or University of Applied Sciences (HBO), it is possible that you still meet the admission requirements. This is primarily based on having an academic level of work and thinking. In such cases, please feel free to contact us to discuss this further. 

How to apply? 

First, you can check your eligibility by uploading your CV or LinkedIn profile. If you are eligible, we will send you instructions on how to proceed with the application process. 

Tuition fees 

  • Tuition fee: €16,250 
  • Programme duration: 10 months  


You can pay your tuition fee in instalments spread across the duration of the programme. 

UvA alumni discount 

UvA alumni are eligible for a 10% discount on the tuition fee.