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During this part-time programme, you take courses in analytics, business and computer science. The curriculum is specifically designed to help you develop into a knowledgeable AI and data expert. Your thesis project and the international study trip will broaden your experience. The Amsterdam Leadership programme will support you in your personal leadership journey.

Core programme

The curriculum of the programme is divided into 2 years. Each year is divided into 6 blocks.

  • Coding Lab
    Period 1

    Get familiar with the basics of programming in Python. The concept of classes and methods will be introduced. During the course, you get to practice your skills and apply your acquired knowledge.

  • Driving Impact with AI
    Period 1

    After this course, you should be able to: • drive focus on the critical big data opportunities (goal); • assess readiness on opportunity capture, metrics and models, technology, and people (situation); • develop a coherent vision and roadmap to capture (direction); • lead an AI use case scaling initiative to success.

  • Statistics
    Period 1

    Identify big data problems that require statistical techniques. Learn how to apply, understand, interpret and implement these techniques correctly using the programming language R.

  • Psychology of Technology
    Period 2

    Get insight into how people behave as consumers. This course focuses specifically on the innovation environment and current developments such as social media and big data.

  • Econometrics
    Period 2

    Learn how to translate economics and business questions into econometric models and hypotheses. Analyse discrete choice data, panel data, time series and interpret conclusions properly.

  • Law and Ethics for AI
    Period 3

    Learn more about the international principles and values concerning privacy and data protection. Understand the basics of international privacy laws, including the Privacy Regulation.

  • Machine Learning
    Period 4

    Get familiar with the theoretical foundations of machine learning and learn to apply these methods in practical analytical tasks.

  • Operations Excellence
    Period 4

    Get introduced to the issues, frameworks and tools needed for managing operations and supply chains in a general business context. Learn to identify, analyse and resolve problems that arise.

  • Financial Accounting
    Period 5

    Get an introduction to financial accounting from an international perspective. Acquire the knowledge and skills to understand the key concepts of financial accounting and to derive and interpret important metrics related to financial performance.

  • Optimisation for Business & Society
    Period 5

    Learn to optimise deterministic and stochastic systems. Recognise (Mixed-Integer) Linear Programmes (MILPs) and learn how to use Excel and AIMMS to programme and solve MILPs.

  • Fintech
    Period 6

    Discover topics like digital currencies and blockchains in the FinTech area. You will explore threats that blockchain technology poses to incumbent firms and their resulting attempts to co-opt the technology into existing business models

  • Language Technology
    Period 6

    Discover technologies that allow machines to read, comprehend and generate human language.

  • Amsterdam Leadership Programme
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Develop your personal and professional leadership skills through lectures, workshops and intervision sessions. You focus on exploring your own leadership styles, strengths and development areas.

Primers: 2 online preparation courses

A good understanding of statistics and a basis in coding is essential in the MBA in AI, Data & Analytics. If you need to brush up/learn the skills, we recommend you to join our online primers in Statistics and Python. Fully enrolled students will get access to the primers.

Copyright: ABS
The programme guides you to the level of  communicative quant - a professional applying the latest techniques in data analytics and making an effective connection with the business side. Özlem Guven, Financial Risk Model Development, Research & Advise, alumna

Amsterdam Leadership Programme

The Amsterdam Leadership Programme is our personal coaching programme. It helps you to develop your personal and professional leadership skills through lectures, workshops and intervision sessions. The focus is on exploring your own leadership styles, strengths, and development areas. You will:

  • receive feedback on key skills;
  • focus on the skills needed to grow professionally within an organisation;
  • learn specific skills relevant to personal goals;
  • network with an influential employee;
  • share both frustrations and successes.
‘I aspire to move up the career ladder and make an impact with data’

Kasia Burgchardt: ‘This MBA stood out because of its unique combination of business, leadership, big data and analytics. I was able to maintain my full-time and demanding job in Amsterdam next to my study because the programme is part-time.’

Balanced mix of theory and practice

Many of our instructors have in-depth industry experience in their fields. You get the chance to discuss theories from both management and policy perspectives, and learn to apply your knowledge to contemporary cases and developments. During your thesis project, you can investigate subjects concerning your own organisation and directly apply your findings.

Small and interactive classes

You will learn and work together with motivated fellow students. Our yearly cohort consists of around 25 students. This intimate learning environment allows you to interact with your fellow students and peers. It will offer you the opportunity to broaden your perspective and have a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience.

Sara Pfann
'The MBA has an orientation on the diverse possibilities of data analytics, combining theory with practice.'

Sara Pfann: 'Implementing a successful data-driven strategy and aspects such as GDPR, infrastructures and technology, data stewardship and machine learning are all aspects of my day-to-day work. One of the main strengths of the programme is exactly its orientation on the diverse possibilities of data analytics in a business environment, while at the same time combining theory with practice.'