Combine work and study and earn your MSc title in Business Administration in 1.5 years. You can choose from the tracks AI and Strategic Business Innovation, Strategy or Leadership & Management and a number of inspiring electives. By applying theory to exciting real-world cases and to your own organisation, your learning curve will be steep, helping you to become a leader in your management field of interest.
Internationally recognised MSc title in 1.5 years
Tailor your programme with tracks and electives
Expand your business network
Balanced mix of theory and practice
The Executive Programme in Management Studies is designed for ambitious professionals who want to invest in their personal development and boost their career by obtaining a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Management of the University of Amsterdam.
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The up-to-date academic knowledge is a valuable addition to my expertise and experience, and the MSc title enhances my profile and improves my career opportunities. I owe my current job to the study.Noha Shafik, alumnus Read Noha's and Adriaan's testimonial
In this Master’s programme, you choose 1 of 3 tracks. Each track will study organisational issues from a different angle. In addition to the track courses and your electives, you take a number of general courses.
EPMS is a tailor-made, attractive programme that allowed me to further develop my knowledge of business issues and strategic-thinking skills.Vincent Bodifee, Team Manager and Change Manager at Netherlands Police Read Vincent's testimonial
To optimise your learning experience, we keep our classes small and personal. You will work with students from different backgrounds and a wide variety of industries. Interactions with fellow students are both interesting and fun. Your learning curve is going to be steep and it will provide a great chance to expand your business network
33 years
3-10 years