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For more information and questions about the Executive Programme in Management Studies, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are easily reachable via multiple ways.

Contact details

Sonja Meskanen en Ed van der Lelij are your contacts for all questions concerning this Executive Master in Management Studies. They are happy to answer your questions in person, via email, teams or by phone.

E: admissions-epms@uva.nl
T Ed: +31 6 2875 9459

Our team

Drs. E. (Ed) van der Lelij

Sales and Recruitment manager

Programme director

Dr. Karin Venetis is our programme director. She is ultimately responsible for the curriculum, content and quality of the programme.

Dr. K. (Karin) Venetis

Programme director


We are located on the Roeterseiland Campus, in Amsterdam:

Roeterseilandcampus - building M

Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam