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Why choose the Executive Programme in Management Studies?

Internationally recognised MSc title in 1.5 years

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We belong to the 1% of business schools worldwide that are Triple Crown accredited.

Tailor your programme with tracks and electives

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You will choose on which field of management you want to focus by selecting 1 track: Strategy, Digital Business or Leadership & Management.

Expand your business network

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Learn and work together with ambitious professionals. All with different backgrounds and from a wide variety of industries.

Balanced mix of theory and practice

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Improve your academic thinking through challenging discussions. Apply your new knowledge directly to your organisation, and to real-life business cases.

For whom?

The Executive Programme in Management Studies is designed for ambitious professionals who want to invest in their personal development and boost their career by obtaining a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Management of the University of Amsterdam.

Am I eligible?

Send us your LinkedIn profile and we will inform you about your eligibility. We will respond within 5 business days.

Noha Shafik, alumnus
The up-to-date academic knowledge is a valuable addition to my expertise and experience, and the MSc title enhances my profile and improves my career opportunities. I owe my current job to the study. Noha Shafik, alumnus Read Noha's and Adriaan's testimonial

What will you learn?

  1. How to figure out complex business issues using substantiated models and new management ideas in the field of Business Administration.
  2. How you can integrate ethical, societal, and environmental issues into strategy and management practices.
  3. How to manage teams and employees effectively and take more effective decisions as a manager.
  4. How businesses should respond to the opportunities of new technology, digital business and globalisation.
  5. Why some companies are more successful than others in developing products and markets.

Choose between 3 tracks

In this Master’s programme, you choose 1 of 3 tracks. Each track will study organisational issues from a different angle. In addition to the track courses and your electives, you take a number of general courses.

Vincent Bodifee
Copyright: ABS-EP
EPMS is a tailor-made, attractive programme that allowed me to further develop my knowledge of business issues and strategic-thinking skills. Vincent Bodifee, Team Manager and Change Manager at Netherlands Police Read Vincent's testimonial

Class profile

To optimise your learning experience, we keep our classes small and personal. You will work with students from different backgrounds and a wide variety of industries. Interactions with fellow students are both interesting and fun. Your learning curve is going to be steep and it will provide a great chance to expand your business network

Average age

33 years

Average work experience

3-10 years

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
60 ECTS, 18 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
February, September
RIO code
Roeterseiland campus