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Want to know more about Internal Auditing? Our team is happy to answer your questions about the programme.

Contact details 

Send an email to auditingstudies@uva.nl or get in touch with our programme manager.  

Our team 

Programme manager

Sook Reker is the programme manager for the Executive MSc of Auditing Studies. During your studies at the Amsterdam Business School, she will be your point of contact. If you are not yet enrolled and would like more information, feel free to contact her.

I. (Sook) Reker

Programme manager

Programme director 

Prof. Dr Edo Roos Lindgreen, professor of Data Science in Auditing at the University of Amsterdam, is our programme director. He is ultimately responsible for the curriculum, content and quality of the programme.

Prof. dr. E.E.O. (Edo) Roos Lindgreen

Programme director


We are located at the Roeterseiland Campus in Amsterdam. 

Roeterseilandcampus - building M

Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam