With the part-time Digital Auditing track, you will be fully up-to-date as an IT auditor. You will learn which current technological developments are relevant, how to distinguish them from the latest trends, and how to best audit them. This will make you an indispensable link in managing technological risks and improving the quality of digital processes and systems. Digital Auditing is one of the specialisation tracks within the Executive MSc of Auditing Studies.
Current and technological developments
Collaboration with audit professionals
Internationally recognised MSc degree
Special RA, RO and RC programmes
This programme is specifically designed for audit professionals working in a relevant field. It is suitable for IT auditors, external auditors, internal auditors, consultants and managers.
Submit your CV, and we will check if you are eligible for this programme. We will respond within 3 business days.
Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive the following degree certificate from the University of Amsterdam: Executive Master of Science of Auditing Studies with a specialisation in Digital Auditing.
We keep our classes small and personal to ensure an optimal learning experience. In the first year, you will attend lectures alongside students from the Internal Auditing and Sustainability tracks, offering you a broad perspective on the auditing field. You will also have the opportunity to engage in discussions with your fellow students and share professional experiences.
33 years
Banking & Financials
18% female
82% male
Digital Auditing is one of the tracks you can choose within the Executive MSc of Auditing Studies. Explore the other tracks too.