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The Amsterdam Law School is hosting a conference on legal experiential education. During the conference, you can join panel discussions, interviews and keynotes by Timothy Casey (California Western School of Law), Monique Volman (UvA) and Luz Herrera (Texas A&M University School of Law).
Event details of The Future of Experiential Legal Education
30 March 2023
12:15 -17:45
3rd floor

The Conference on the Future of Experiential Legal Education is of interest to anyone whose work involves educational innovation and legal experiential education.

During the Conference on the Future of Legal Experiential Education we will discuss the following questions: Does experiential legal education contribute to the training of the future legal professional? What innovative aspects of experiential learning can be used for this purpose? 


Chair of the day: Anniek de Ruijter, Director Amsterdam Law Practice of the UvA

12:15 Lunch/ walk-in with poster presentations from students
13.15 Word of welcome by the Dean of the Amsterdam Law School André Nollkaemper


Keynote speaker: Luz E. Herrera (Professor & Associate Dean for Experiential Education Texas A&M University School of Law)

13:50 (student) panel: discussion and Q&A

Parrallel session round 1

session 1: Legal skills in experiential learning

session 2: Legal ethics in experiential learning and the ethics of simulation

15:00 Plenary: sharing parallel session findings



Keynote speaker: Timothy Casey (Professor in Residence at California Western School of Law)

Panel discussion and Q&A

15:45 Coffee break with poster presentation from students


Keynote speaker: Monique Volman (Professor of Education, Research Institute of Child Development and Education UvA)

16:15 Panel discussion and Q&A

Parallel sessions round 2

session 1: Clinical legal education and experiential learning

session 2: Reflection in experiential learning

17:25 Plenary: sharing parallel session findings
17:35 Closing words
17:45 Drinks with poster presentation from students


Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room 3rd floor
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam

Keynote speakers

Portret Monique Volman

Monique Volman

Monique Volman is a professor of Education at the University of Amsterdam, where she leads the Educational Sciences program. Main areas in her research are learning environments for meaningful learning, inclusiveness and the use of technology in education. She aims to build bridges between educational theory and practice. Monique will highlight how experiential education works in practice and what effect it has on students.


Luz Herrera

Luz E. Herrera is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Experiential Education at Texas A&M School of Law. Prior to her current position, Dean Herrera was the Assistant Dean for Clinical Education, Experiential Learning and Public Service at UCLA School of Law. In her various academic positions, Dean Herrera encouraged innovation and promoted access to justice through experiential learning.       

Timothy Casey

Professor Timothy Casey serves as the Director of the STEPPS Program and Professor in Residence at California Western School of Law. He also holds an appointment as a Visiting Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law. His research interests include surveillance and civil liberties, problem solving courts, and experiential pedagogy. He is co-author of a legal ethics textbook, and his scholarship has appeared in numerous law reviews. He serves as Chair of the Legal Ethics Committee of the San Diego County Bar Association, as a board member for both local and international non-profit organizations, and as Editor for the peer-reviewed Clinical Law Review.

These speakers from the US have extensive experience in developing and integrating experiential education into the legal curriculum. They share their insights and best practices, which will be very valuable for anyone engaged in educational innovation.


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