This minor explores the origin of violent behaviour. Why do people, groups, or states commit violent offenses? What are characteristics and explanations of violent behaviour? How can we study and understand violence? This minor offers an interdisciplinary set of courses about various forms of violence, ranging from the interpersonal level, the group level to the level of states and social structures.
Lecturer Machteld Hoeve tells you more about it in this video.
The appearances, types, and impact of violence in social interactions are complex and far-reaching. In this minor we bring together a diverse array of disciplinary approaches and theories to help students study this complexity and to help them reflect critically on the roles of violence in human life. The multidisciplinary character of the minor will present students with approaches they will not encounter while enrolled in a monodisciplinary program and, as such, will challenge them to think across disciplinary borders and ideas.
The minor is formed around a nucleus of lecturers from anthropology, development studies, child development and political science, with guest lectures from other disciplines. Throughout the minor’s courses – the introductory course, followed by Violence 1, 2 and 3 - these disciplinary perspectives and their differences, overlaps and connections continuously come to the fore. The final course of the minor, the “Violence Project”, sees students from diverse disciplinary backgrounds working together in teams in research projects. Demonstrated (successful) usage of multidisciplinarity will be an important criterion in the grading of the project’s end result.
You can register for the minor Violence if you have finished the first year of your university bachelor or if you have finished the first two years of your HBO degree programme (Dutch higher vocational education)
When applying, please submit:
The registration period for a minor in the academic year 2025 – 2026 is 1 April to 13 May 2025.
A limited number of 30 places are available for this minor. If there are more applications than available places, a draw will determine your placement. The timing of your application within the specified registration period will not affect your chances of being placed.