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Class meets once a week for two hours. Attendance is Mandatory. Classes are taught in English according to the Socratic method typical of US law schools. Students will be asked to prepare in advance on a judicial decision or an academic publication, which will then be examined in detail during the following class. Economic principles will be distilled from actual legal cases or practices. Classes will be interactive with most of the time devoted to questions and critical appraisal of existing theories and empirical analysis. L&E III consists of a short research paper.


The minor is organized in 3 separate courses:

  • Law & Economics I: Economic theory and the law (6 ECs)
  • Law & Economics II: Empirical legal studies (6 ECs)
  • Law & Economics III: Digital Legal Studies (3 ECs)

The information in the Course Catalogue applies to the current academic year and may change for the following year. From June onwards, the information for next academic year can be found in the Course Catalogue.

Entry requirements

  • (UvA) students


For questions about the academic content of the programme, you can contact the programme coordinator, Hossein Nabilou. For all other administrative questions, please contact the Education desk.

Dr H. (Hossein) Nabilou

Send an email to the coordinator

Facts & Figures
15 ECTS, 6 months
Language of instruction
Roeterseiland campus