In this minor, Classical Antiquity and its impact on later cultures take centre stage. You will study various aspects of the ancient world in relation to each other, such as Classical works of art and literature, ancient religion and the notion of Greece as the cradle of Western civilisation.
In this minor you will gain insight in the influence of Classical culture and in processes of cultural contact and cultural transformation. You will also learn to analyse cultural-historical problems from an interdisciplinary angle using material and textual sources. This minor is offered by the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA). VU Amsterdam and UvA work together within ACASA.
This minor is offered by the Faculty of Humanities. The faculty’s minors consist of 30 ECTS credits and earn you a second qualification that will be listed on the transcript accompanying your degree certificate.
You may choose between 'Classical Mythology' and 'Greece. Cradle of Civilization?'.
You may choose between 'Classics Beyond Antiquity' and 'Highlights uit de Griekse en Latijnse literatuur'.
This minor may serve as a good preparation for academic Bachelor’s students who want to apply for admission to a Master's in Classics and Ancient Civilizations; Heritage, Memory and Archaeology (Research Master's); or the one-year Master's in Archaeology. Always check the entry requirements on the Application & admission page of the Master’s programme you are interested in.
This minor is open for application to students who have obtained an academic first-year diploma or a positive Binding Study Advice from an academic Bachelor's programme.
The minor is also open for application to students from a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (HBO) who have completed their propaedeutic year. If you are an HBO student and if you are looking to do a Master's programme at the UvA, please check out our pre-Master's programmes, as completing a minor is not enough to grant you access to Master’s programmes.
The registration period for a minor in the academic year 2025-2026 is 1 April - 13 May 2025.
This minor has a limited number of places available. If there are more applications than available places, a lottery will be held. The timing of your application within the specified period will not affect your chances of being placed.