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The UvA Quantum Computer Science Master's in Amsterdam offers you:

Strong research focus

Your lecturers are top researchers from the internationally renowned QuSoft research center.

Wide choice of courses

You specialise in one of the QuSoft research lines, or design your own path that combines research fields.

Good career perspectives

A MSc in Quantum Computer Science gives you a strong foundation for working in key positions, in knowledge-intensive research centers or business.

Unique programme

This is one of the few programmes in quantum-related topics grounded in computer science, and it’s a rare research-based programme with a strong mathematical foundation.

Quantum Computer Science will suit you, if you...

  1. Have a strong taste for for computer science, mathematics or physics.
  2. Wish to contribute to the highly active research field that may revolutionise the power of computers.
  3. Are interested in the (future) ethical and societal implications that arise from quantum computing.
Facts & Figures
Degree programme
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Science Park