Psychology: Health Promotion & Behaviour Change
In this course you will learn theories explaining unhealthy behaviours, identify predictors of health behaviours and learn strategies that could effectively change behaviour. The focus will be on topics such as motivation, habits, and automatic processes in eating behaviour, including how people pursue their health goals, and stick to good intentions. Different strategies for behaviour change, including strategies on the individual level (planning) and the group level (large scale health interventions, nudging) will be discussed.
During this course u will acquire knowledge about the most important theories and empirical research regarding the influence of peers (e.g., imitation) and peer norms (e.g., descriptive norms, injunctive norms, and peer pressure) on unhealthy behaviours. and what is the role of parents? Furthermore, you will learn current theories on the etiology of sexual motivation problems. Finally, you will learn the latest on the determinants of chemsex and how to intervene.
In this course, you will learn to understand how addictive behaviours such as excessive alcohol use and smoking develop and are maintained in adolescence and adulthood. In addition, the role of conditioning and neurobiological processes and genetics in addiction are introduced, including the crucial role of motivation in behaviour change. You learn how to use these theories in interventions aimed at decreasing unhealthy behaviors.
This course, will provide in-depth knowledge about stress topics such as the effects of stress on cognition (e.g., worry), memory (e.g. ptsd) emotion (e.g. depression) and motivation for (un)healthy behaviours (e.g. addictions). In addition you will learn about stress-reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, and to evaluate the effectiveness of such interventions.
The Master's thesis process involves the supervisor assigning a research theme/question, the student developing a design, writing a proposal, collecting data, conducting statistical analyses, interpreting results, writing a scientific report, and presenting the thesis publicly.
The internship will involve a specific assignment (or a number of sub-assignments) within the field of health promotion and behaviour change that will be carried out for the internship organisation. The assignment can be applied or research-oriented.
I chose this Master's track because of my longstanding interest in the health sector.Read more about Sara's experience