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Sara Dewor, Health Promotion and Behaviour Change student

Name: Sara Dewor 

Why did you choose this Master's track?

I chose this Master's track because of my longstanding interest in the health sector. Since high school, I have been fascinated by why people persist in habitual behaviours despite knowing better. With a background in social psychology, I was eager to design, implement, and evaluate intervention programs on a larger scale. The Master's program offered an ideal mix of topics, from sexual behaviours to addiction, aligning perfectly with my career aspirations.

Why at the UvA?

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) was a natural choice for two reasons. Firstly, I completed my bachelor's in psychology here and was confident in the university's exceptional academic standards. Secondly, the Master's track in health psychology, focusing on intervention programs, matched my career goals perfectly, combining high academic rigour with practical, real-world applications.

What is the most essential thing that you learned during the Research Masters?

The most important lesson I learned was the practical application of my knowledge during my internship. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I knew and how effectively I could apply my skills. This realisation boosted my confidence immensely. The workshop weeks were particularly valuable, equipping me with practical skills and theoretical knowledge that proved crucial during my internship. These experiences taught me to dig deeper, open myself to debate, and appreciate the real-world relevance of our coursework.

Do you have tips for students who consider starting this Master's?

Be prepared for an intense and demanding schedule, but know the rewards are worth it. Ensure you have a genuine passion for the subject and are ready to think creatively. This Master's program is intellectually challenging in a positive way, encouraging you to think outside the box and adopt a holistic approach. Embrace the challenge, as it will significantly enhance your personal and professional growth.