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The Master’s track Consultancy & Organisational Development focuses on advancing your knowledge of organisational psychology and the application of this knowledge to practice. The Master’s track is a selective one-year programme, consisting of 60 EC. The programme consists of 4 specialist courses, a Master’s thesis and a Master’s internship. Part of the specialist courses are trainings on professional skills (e.g., collaborative skills, mediation, argumentation, presenting, consulting, and acquisition).
  • Conflict and Cooperation
    Period 1

    By studying scientific articles and review chapters, students in this course will learn about psychological theories on cooperation, conflicts within and between groups and conflict handling through negotiation and mediation. Practical assignments and guest speakers will help to translate the theoretical knowledge to practical applications. The theory will also directly be applied in the self-reflection on the group process that students experience during the main practical assignment.

  • Organisational Change and Consultancy
    Period 1

    In this course, we will delve into different theories and tools that can be used to facilitate change processes. We will use an evidence-based approach and discuss the psychological underpinnings of change management. Also, we will apply research in the area of change management to concrete situations in organisations through the discussion of business cases, class discussion, exercises, and in discussion with guest speakers who are practitioners in different fields related to organisational change.

  • Master's Internship Work & Organisational Psychology
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    The main focus of the internship is for students to demonstrate they can effectively apply the knowledge and skills obtained during their study in the professional practice. The internship activities and the internship assignment therefore need to be at an academic level and they must be related to Work and Organisational Psychology topics.

  • Methodology: Analysing, Presenting, and Scientific Writing (MAPS)
    Period 2

    This course deals with all aspects of the research cycle: writing a research proposal, designing a study, analysing data, and interpreting the results. The course prepares students for the empirical master thesis.

  • Master's Thesis Work & Organisational Psychology
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    You will work on writing your Master’s thesis. You can choose a topic from a list that you will receive in the second period of the first semester. You will be supervised by one of the teachers of the Work & Organisational Psychology team based on a step-by-step thesis planning guide.

  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 1
    Period 2

    You can choose of one course out of two electives: Team Development through Action Research or Organisational Creativity and Innovation.

See more information in the course catalogue
Frequently asked questions
This programme offered the perfect combination of disciplines I wanted to master before starting my professional career Read Katharina's experience