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Testimonial Katharina Johanna Voss

Age: 25
Previous education: bachelor in psychology, Focus on organisational psychology 

Why did you choose this study? I chose this Master’s track because I aspire to become a consultant specialising in supporting firms through organisational transformations. This programme offered the perfect combination of disciplines I wanted to master before starting my professional career.

Why at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)? Having completed my Bachelor’s degree in the Netherlands, I was already familiar with and appreciated the Dutch university system. After studying in Nijmegen, I was eager to experience life in a larger city. The University of Amsterdam (UvA) stood out as an excellent institution offering a unique and exclusive Master’s track, set in a vibrant and international city.

What should students take into account? I would advise myself to enjoy the whole student experience more. The Master’s programme is quite demanding, with a heavy workload condensed into a short timeframe (1 year). I put a lot of pressure on myself to excel in every exam and assignment. Looking back, I realize I could have embraced life outside of academics a bit more. With ambition and genuine interest, the programme is manageable - but it’s important to also focus on the social aspects and enjoy the unique life Amsterdam has to offer.