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The curriculum of the Master’s in Persuasive Communication comprises one year of full-time study. You will study a variety of marketing and health communication theories, and learn how to apply these theories to challenging problems of health behaviour, advertising, and branding. You will learn how communication can be used strategically to inform and influence people, or how people can be empowered to resist persuasion.
Lecturer Carolin smiling at camera, dark shirt and hair, light background
The Master's Thesis is the perfect opportunity to explore a persuasive communication topic of your choice. Dr. Carolin Ischen about the Master's Thesis and different research questions, read more
  • Health Communication
    Period 1
    Period 2

    In this course, you'll gain the skills to empower people to make lasting changes in their health behaviour. You'll become an expert in creating and assessing health communication campaigns and interventions, learning theories that explain health behaviour. You’ll learn about effective communication methods, including emotional appeals and storytelling, to drive behavioural change. Also, you will familiarise yourself with the development of a health communication intervention plan.

  • Marketing Communication
    Period 1
    Period 2

    Explore how communication between advertisers and consumers shapes attitudes and behaviours. This course covers marketing communication theories and practices, focusing on how they affect buying and consuming products and services. You will learn how to apply this knowledge when designing theory- and evidence-based campaigns. You will also look at consumer-brand interactions in the digital age, addressing topics such as influencer marketing and ethical issues in social media advertising.

  • Thesis Preparation Groups
    Period 1
    Period 2

    This course serves as an introduction to the individual Master’s thesis you will write in the second semester. You will set up an Initial Thesis Proposal: select a core theme, central research question, and research methodology.

  • Research Methods Tailored to the Thesis
    Period 3

    This course builds on your prior knowledge of research methodology and statistics. You will further develop your skills as a preparation for your Master’s thesis. You will focus on the research method you plan to use: content analysis, experimentation, survey, or qualitative research.

  • Elective 1
    Period 4

    In this Master’s programme you choose two electives. The selection of electives may vary each semester. These electives allow you to create a Master’s programme that suits your interests best.

  • Elective 2
    Period 4

    In this Master’s programme you choose two electives. The selection of electives may vary each semester. These electives allow you to create a Master’s programme that suits your interests best.

  • Thesis Persuasive Communication
    Period 5
    Period 6

    For your Master’s thesis, you are linked to an individual supervisor. After passing the extended research proposal, you will continue with conducting your research, analysing your results and writing your thesis.

Compulsory course
Find more information in the online course catalogue

Academic staff of Persuasive Communication

Dr. Stephanie Welten
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In Marketing Communication you will encounter four top experts from the advertising and media planning field, ready to share their tips and tricks with you. Dr. Stephanie Welten about the specialisation seminar Marketing Communication, read more
Frequently asked questions