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The Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Journalism, Media & Globalisation seeks to produce alumni who will work as critical, globally-minded media professionals in the increasingly complex media market.

Graduates have found employment in a wide range of international organisations, including Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, the UN and the European Commission. Not all of our graduates continue on in their professional journalism careers, however. Because our specialism, in particular, facilitates a critical understanding of the role the media play in political processes, many of our graduates seek and find employment in non‐profit organizations, lobbying firms, communication offices for international organizations, and government.

Our graduates have excellent research and writing skills, and the confidence and analytical knowledge necessary to report on complex topics relevant to the global information society.

Graduates of the Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Journalism, Media & Globalisation form a close Alumni network of journalism professionals from all over the world. The Mundus Journalism Alumni Network provides alumni with a platform for (re)connecting, building professional contacts and sharing job opportunities.

Furthermore, alumni of Erasmus Mundus programmes have the opportunity to join the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA). Initiated by the European Commission and student representatives from all Erasmus Mundus programmes, the EMA  is developing a wide range of activities and services and gives former students access to an extensive international network.