PPLE is a small-scale, interdisciplinary Bachelor's programme that connects four disciplines: Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics. At PPLE we approach societal challenges from different angles in order to enhance our understanding of the world around us. By combining insights from these four disciplines, we aim to find innovative and sustainable solutions that help make today's world a better place for tomorrow.
The four PPLE disciplines make up the building blocks of society. Politics studies the organization and distribution of power in the world; how the rules of the game are made and who makes them. Law studies how those rules are applied, interpreted, manipulated or upheld. Economics studies the role of money and markets – how rules affect them and they affect rules. Psychology studies how individuals, alone or in groups, make decisions in response to the world around them.
Interdisciplinary does not mean undecided. PPLE seeks students who have a genuine interest in our four subjects and how they fit together, who enjoy intellectual challenges and wrestling with real-world problems, who are willing and able to work hard. The ideal PPLE student enjoys the process of learning for its own sake and engages others to do the same.
The first semester starts at the beginning of September and ends at the end of January. The second semester starts at the beginning of February and ends at the end of June.
The semester is split into 3 periods: two 8-week periods, during which the regular study load is 12 ECTS (total 24 ECTS) and a 4-week period, during which the study load is 6 ECTS. The 4-week period takes place in January and June. Exchange students are allowed to depart at the end of December and at the end of May if this suits their programme better.