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Meet a few of the staff members of the Advanced Master's Technology Governance at the Amsterdam Law School.

Dr. B. (Balázs) Bodó

  • Economist, social scientist
  • Area of expertise: technology governance, self-regulation in decentralized, p2p networks, black markets
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Balázs Bodó

Dr. K. (Kristina) Irion LLM

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: governance of transnational digital technologies and global data value chains
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Kristina 

Dr. M. (Marijn) Sax

  • Philosopher, legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: autonomy and manipulation, digital choice environments
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Marijn

Dr. A.B. (Andrea) Leiter

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: value regimes in the digital economy; technology enabled governance; ecology, economy and technology
  • Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL)
  • Andrea

Dr. H. (Hossein) Nabilou

  • Law and economics
  • Area of expertise: financial market infrastructures, financial contracting, fintech, payments, blockchain, and crypto-assets
  • Amsterdam Center of Law and Economics (ACLE)
  • Hossein

S. (Sanne) Vrijenhoek

P. (Plixavra) Vogiatzoglou

  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Area of expertise: digital sovereignty and quantum technologies
  • Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) and the Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Plixavra

Prof. dr. N. (Natali) Helberger

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: AI, automated recommender systems, media regulation, automation of news
  • Distinguished University Professor Law & Digital Technology, with a special focus on AI
  • Natali

Dr. J. (Jef) Ausloos

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: data governance, data protection and privacy
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Jef

Dr. H. (Hakan) Özalp

  • Economist
  • Area of expertise: digital marketplaces, innovation in platform ecosystems; digital strategy
  • Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Hakan

Dr. R.F. (Ronan) Fahy

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: platform regulation, fundamental rights in the digital society; freedom of expression and privacy.
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Ronan

Mr. O.L. (Ot) van Daalen

  • Attorney-at-law, legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: infrastructure governance, encryption and other privacy enhancing technologies; cybersurveillance; technology export controls
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR)
  • Ot van

Dr. M. (Maria) Weimer

  • Legal scholar
  • Area of expertise: risk regulation
  • Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG)
  • Maria

Dr. mr. H.L. (Heleen) Janssen

Roan de Jong

  • Attorney-at-law
  • Area of expertise: Technology regulation, AI
  • De Roos
  • Roan de Jong

Hans de Zwart Ma.

  • Philosopher, practitioner
  • Area of expertise: ethics and philosophy of technology, digital discrimination, politics of technology
  • Racism and Technology Center, Center for the Advancement of Infrastructural Imagination
  • Hans de

Petros Terzis

  • Law and Technology scholar
  • Area of expertise: AI value chains, technology governance, health data, (quantum) computing, quantum standardisation
  • Institute for Information Law (IViR), University College London (UCL)
  • Petros