Welcome on my institutional website. My name is Kenneth F. Rijsdijk (1968) and currently assistant professor at the BIOMAC Research Group of IBED University of Amsterdam. My research is focused on the dynamics of abiotic processes that shape the earth's surface and affect biota. I am especially interested how environmental processes affect landscapes and ecosystems. These environmental processes may be natural such as climate change or volcanism, but also induced by humans such as effects of mining, over-exploitation and deforestation. Central to my studies is contrasting natural dynamics and human induced dynamics.
In 2005 I was part of a team that discovered an exceptionally rich 4000 year old fossil mass grave in Maurtius, a volcanic island in the Indian Ocean Nature news. This mass grave contained bones of the dodo and more than 20 other extinct vertebrates. After the discovery with the help of Mauritian partners, I set up an international network the Dodo Research Programme that includes scientific, museum, corporation and NGO stakeholders involving a rich array of disciplines (from history, socio-economy to archaeology, geology, ecology) which existed from 2006-2016. After the discovery and research I more and more realised that life and resources on our planet are limited, just like they are limited on islands, and thus I focussed my research in biogeography to identify ways how to harmonise human activities with a healthy and vital biosphere.
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The dodo , an icon of human induced extinction, is also one of the most famous examples of island evolution leading to giantism. Being described firstly by Dutch sailors that landed on Mauritius in 1598 it was seen lastly alive around 1670. Then it disappeared. It was the first species of which modern humans realised that it had become extinct due to human interference ( Strickland and Melville 1848). The discovery of a dodo-massgrave in Mauritius in 1864 by a railway engineer Higgingson and a local expert on natural history Clark arouse a lot of renewed interest in the mysteriously vanished species. Since the discovery the site was excavated for nearly a century, then around the 1940s rocks were dumped on the site and its precise location became forgotten.
In 2005 we discovered at a marsh atthe Mare aux Songes aseveral-thousands-year-old fossil layer containing fauna,flora and microfossils, including bonesof the dodo (Raphus cucullatus), representing the remainsof a nearly complete fossil natural ecosystem. It took us a while to realize that we in fact had re-discovered the famous dodo bone site that Clark and Higginson had discovered in 1864. Considering the high sub-fossil concentration and richness in composition including vertebrate bones, invertebrate remains (insects, snails) and flora remains (seeds, tree stems, branches, rootlets, leaves) the up to 0.5 m thick sub-fossil layer, extending for 0.3 km 2 , can be considered a Concentration-Lagerstätten. It contains 50% of the known (extinct) vertebrate species and several dozens of natural and threatened or nearly extinct arboreal species. The dodo-Lagerstätten is situated within sediments that are rich in microfossils providing contextual data and hence provides a high-resolution snapshot insight in a pristine ecosystem, active several thousands year ago.
After the discovery of the dodo massgrave in Mauritius, comprising substantial parts of a fossil ecosystem of the dodo, in 2005 the Dodo Research Programme was established. In collaboration with Mauritian partners Omnicane, Mauritius Museums Council and Dutch partners Naturalis, IBED-UVA and TNO an international network of researchers was founded: the Dodo Research Programme (DRP) which aims to reconstruct the prehuman ecosystem and investigate the reasons of its degradation. At one stage the DRP network comprised more than 50 researchers and more than 15 research institutes. The Dodo Research Programme was an international research initiative that aims to utilise the iconic status of the dodo ( Raphus Cucullatus ), to generate research and public awareness on the vulnerability of island biodiversity.
The DRP had three main aims:
1. Research: to reconstruct the world of the dodo and determine the factors of its demise,
2. Raise public awareness on the importance and vulnerability of island biodiversity,
3. Contribute towards the realisation of a Dodo Museum and UNESCO World Heritage Park including the dodo massgrave.
The research led to a large number of publications and important insights into the ecosystem of the dodo and how the massgrave was formed. The main conclusion was that the dodo as species was able to survice millions years of climatic disasters but was not able to withstand the manifold changes that were introduced by humans that frequented the island since the 16th century. A lesson for the world is that islands hold rare and vulnerable species that become threatened as soon as humans interact with their ecosystems.
A key publication summarizing all our findings was published in the third monograph of on the osteology of the dodo: L. P. A. M. Claessens, H. J. M. Meijer, J. P. Hume, and K. F. Rijsdijk (eds.), 2016. Anatomy of the Dodo (Raphus cucullatus L., 1758): An Osteological Study of the Thirioux Specimens. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir 15. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35 (6, Supplement).
Because of the richness of the massgrave many scientific disciplines are involved to resolve the research questions. We hopeby understanding the ecosystem of Mauritius to contributetowards conservation and protection of threatened biota against extinction in island settings elsewhere. Our main research questions include:
The dodo-Lagerstätten and identification of natural archives elsewhere, in Mauritius provide unique conditions to reconstruct the prehuman ecosystem that may serve as a baseline for ecological restoration projects. Moreover, the late date of human colonisation of the island in 1638, and the Mauritian historical and archaeological archives, which contain a wealth of data on human activities since colonization, allow for quantitative assessment of human impact in a pristine natural volcanic island ecosystem. It provides a great opportunity for fundamental research on human impact on island ecosystem development, biodiversity changes and the extinction of species.
Dodo graveyard part of UNESCO World Heritage Park?
The dodo massgrave is unique in its kind. It belongs to one of the most bone rich natural graves in the world, it is so far the youngest of its kind (max. 4000 years old) and it is the only one found on a volcanic island so far. Being unique in the world it merits therefore a World Heritage status. As a UNESCO region it could be combined with other culturally important heritage sites within the Mahebourg region (SE Mauritius), including; Fort Frederik Hendrik (the location of first human settlement of Mauritius), Isles aux Aigrettes (where the original ecosystem is being restored by Mauritian Wildlife), and also it is the bay where Napoleon Bonaparte's fleet was defeated in 1810 and therefore includes a rich and unique marine archaeology.
The 2005 discovery of the dodo mass grave was world news, the news was heralded just before Xmas 2005.
I am certified lecturer in University Teaching and Higher Education (BKO see
url below).
Since 2008 I am part of the examiners board of the Institute for
Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS).
I am coordinator/ Sr lecturer for:
1st yr Msc Earth Sciences Research Workshop (3 ECTS)
3rd yr Bsc Earth Sciences Bsc Thesis (30 ECTS) (2011 -
1st yr Bsc Future Planet Studies Natural Disasters and Future
Threats (6 ECTS) (2011 - present)
I am lecturer in:
1st yr Msc Earth Science Vulnerability Assessment of
Geo-ecosystems - Master School of Life and Earthsciences (12 ECTS) (2012 -
1st yr Bsc Biology Organisms in the environment (6ECTS) (2011
- present)
3rd yr Bsc Future Planet Studies Interdisciplinary Project:
Sustainability (6 ECTS) (2011 - present)
3rd yr Bsc Beta Gamma Theme 3 part 2: Practice -
Interdiciplinary Research Practical: Sustainability (4 ECTS) (2012 -
2nd yr Bsc Beta Gamma Theme 3 part 1: Theory -
Interdisciplinary Research Practical: Sustainability (2 ECTS) (2011 -
1st yr Bsc Beta Gamma Theme 1: Humans in action
: Sustainability (6 ECTS) (2011 - present)
I was principal lecturer in:
1st yr Bsc Earth Science Introduction in Physical Geography
(3 ECTS) (2010)
1st yr Bsc Earth Science Geology Module (3 ECTZ) (2006-2010)
2nd yr Bsc Earth Sciences Geomorphological Processes
(6/3 ECTS) (2006-2011)
2nd yr Bsc Earth Science Field practical Luxemburg:
Geomorphology (12 ECTS) (2009-2013)
2nd yr Bsc Earth Sciences Geological Excursion Luxemburg (2
ECTS) (2006-present)I co-developed the curriculum for the first yr Bsc study
Future Planet Studies (2006, 2007)
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