Behavioural macroeconomics; experimental macroeconomics & finance; behavioural finance, complex systems; bounded rationality; expectation formation and learning; heterogeneous agent modelling.
Cars Hommes obtained his PhD in Mathematical Economics from the University of Groningen and is professor of Economic Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam, UvA. In 1998 he obtained a prestigious Pionier-grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) to start the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), an interdisciplinary research group on complex systems applications in economics and finance. Throughout his career he held visiting positions at University of Wisconsin, Stanford University and New York University.
CH is well known for his influential work with William Brock (Econometrica 1997 and JEDC 1998), developing a behavioral theory of heterogeneous expectations and its applications to economics and finance. The CeNDEF group has tested the heterogeneous expectations hypothesis empirically and in laboratory experiments and CH is one of the pioneers in Behavioural & Experimental Macroeconomics. This work has been summarized in his influential Handbook of Computational Economics Chapter Heterogeneous Agents Models in Economics and Finance, 2006.
CH has been Editor of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2002-2012 and currently is member of five editorial boards of international journals. He has obtained many grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the European Commission (EC) and is an Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) grantee. He is the former President Elect of the Society of Computational Economics (SCE), 2014-2016, the author of the recent book Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2013 and winner of the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship 2014 in the Netherlands for his interdisciplinary research and an ECB Duisenberg Research Fellowship 2017-2018. CH currently also works with the Bank of Canada to apply behavioural macro models to policy analysis.
C.H. Hommes, (2021), Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis: a Complex Systems Approach, Journal of Economic Literature, 59(1), 149-219.
Hommes, C.H. and Vroegop, J. (2019), Contagion between asset markets: a two market heterogeneous agents model with destabilizing spillover effects, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 100, 314-333.
Bao, T., Hommes, C.H. and Makarewicz, T. (2017), Bubble formation and (in)efficient markets in learning-to-forecast and –optimize experiments, Economic Journal 127, F581-609.
Survey on Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics, ECB Working Paper November 2018
C.H. Hommes, Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis: a Complex Systems Approach, ECB Working Paper Series No. 2201, November 2018.
Battiston, S., Farmer, J.D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A.G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C.H., Jaeger, C., May, R. & Scheffer, M. (2016),
See also the recent publication in Me Judice, 7 September 2017 (in Dutch): Complexe lessen voor bankiers en toezichthouders,
Battiston, S., Farmer, J.D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A.G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C.H., Jaeger, C., May, R. & Scheffer, M. (2016),
Financial complexity: regulating regulation and accounting for fraud
My Book "Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems " Published by Cambridge University Press 2013. The pdf file of the introductory chapters can be downloaded here.
Interview by Perry Mehrling for the Institute for New Economic Thinking:
Behavioural macroeconomics; experimental macroeconomics & finance; behavioural finance, complex systems; bounded rationality; expectation formation and learning; heterogeneous agent modelling.
Cars Hommes obtained his PhD in Mathematical Economics from the University of Groningen and is professor of Economic Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam, UvA. In 1998 he obtained a prestigious Pionier-grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) to start the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), an interdisciplinary research group on complex systems applications in economics and finance. Throughout his career he held visiting positions at University of Wisconsin, Stanford University and New York University.
CH is well known for his influential work with William Brock (Econometrica 1997 and JEDC 1998), developing a behavioral theory of heterogeneous expectations and its applications to economics and finance. The CeNDEF group has tested the heterogeneous expectations hypothesis empirically and in laboratory experiments and CH is one of the pioneers in Behavioural & Experimental Macroeconomics. This work has been summarized in his influential Handbook of Computational Economics Chapter Heterogeneous Agents Models in Economics and Finance, 2006.
CH has been Editor of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2002-2012 and currently is member of five editorial boards of international journals. He has obtained many grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the European Commission (EC) and is an Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) grantee. He is the former President Elect of the Society of Computational Economics (SCE), 2014-2016, the author of the recent book Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2013 and winner of the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship 2014 in the Netherlands for his interdisciplinary research and an ECB Duisenberg Research Fellowship 2017-2018. CH currently also works with the Bank of Canada to apply behavioural macro models to policy analysis.
C.H. Hommes, (2021), Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis: a Complex Systems Approach, Journal of Economic Literature, 59(1), 149-219.
Hommes, C.H. and Vroegop, J. (2019), Contagion between asset markets: a two market heterogeneous agents model with destabilizing spillover effects, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 100, 314-333.
Bao, T., Hommes, C.H. and Makarewicz, T. (2017), Bubble formation and (in)efficient markets in learning-to-forecast and –optimize experiments, Economic Journal 127, F581-609.
Survey on Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics, ECB Working Paper November 2018
C.H. Hommes, Behavioral & Experimental Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis: a Complex Systems Approach, ECB Working Paper Series No. 2201, November 2018.
Battiston, S., Farmer, J.D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A.G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C.H., Jaeger, C., May, R. & Scheffer, M. (2016),
See also the recent publication in Me Judice, 7 September 2017 (in Dutch): Complexe lessen voor bankiers en toezichthouders,
Battiston, S., Farmer, J.D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A.G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C.H., Jaeger, C., May, R. & Scheffer, M. (2016),
Financial complexity: regulating regulation and accounting for fraud
My Book "Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems " Published by Cambridge University Press 2013. The pdf file of the introductory chapters can be downloaded here.
Interview by Perry Mehrling for the Institute for New Economic Thinking:
Interview in: Barkley Rosser, Jr., J., Holt, R.P.F. and Colander, D. (Eds.), "European Economics at a Crossroads".
Cars Hommes in VPRO’s "Labyrint." on February 15, 2012.
Co-authors include:
- William A. Brock , University of Wisconsin
- John Duffy , University of Pittsburgh
- Doyne Farmer , Santa Fe Institute
- Mauro Gallegati , Politechnic University of Marche
- Andrea Gaunersdorfer , University of Vienna
- Alan Kirman , GREQAM, Marseille
- Barkley Rosser Jr. , James Madison University
- Joep Sonnemans , University of Amsterdam
- Gerhard Sorger , University of Vienna
Associate Editor:
Honorary Editor
Interview in: Barkley Rosser, Jr., J., Holt, R.P.F. and Colander, D. (Eds.), "European Economics at a Crossroads".
Cars Hommes in VPRO’s "Labyrint." on February 15, 2012.
Co-authors include:
- William A. Brock , University of Wisconsin
- John Duffy , University of Pittsburgh
- Doyne Farmer , Santa Fe Institute
- Mauro Gallegati , Politechnic University of Marche
- Andrea Gaunersdorfer , University of Vienna
- Alan Kirman , GREQAM, Marseille
- Barkley Rosser Jr. , James Madison University
- Joep Sonnemans , University of Amsterdam
- Gerhard Sorger , University of Vienna
Associate Editor:
Honorary Editor
Lecturer: Prof. C.H. Hommes (UvA)
Short subject description:
The leading paradigm in macroeconomics assumes that economic agents (households, firms, investors) are perfectly rational in making their decisions. Experimental evidence and common sense indicate that this assumption is often too demanding. This course focuses on the analysis of macroeconomic models under “bounded” rationality, where agents violate full rationality but behave more in accordance with experimental evidence. The economy is viewed as a complex system with interacting boundedly rational heterogeneous agents. A central question will be: which emerging aggregate macro behavior arises through the interactions of individual decisions of boundedly rational heterogeneous agents at the micro level?
Course content:
• Animal spirits and boom and bust cycles
• Bounded rationality and adaptive learning
• Complex dynamics, chaos and bifurcations
• Heterogeneous expectations and evolution in asset pricing and macroeconomic models
• Macro laboratory experiments
• Monetary policy and asset prices under bounded rationality
Literature: C.H. Hommes, Behavioral rationality and heterogeneous expectations in complex economic systems, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
2017-2021 EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie International Training Network Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics (ExSIDE), coord. H. Dawid, Bielefeld.
2015-2018 EU Horizon 2020, FET Open collaborative project Bridging the gap: from Individual Behavior to the Socio-tEchnical MaN (IBSEN) (coord. A. Sanchez, Un. Carlos III, Madrid).
2014-2017 EU FP7 collaborative project Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design (MACFINROBODS), coordinator C. Hommes, UvA.
2012-2015 EU FP7 collab. project Macro-Risk Assesment and Stabilization Policies with New Early Warning Signals (RASTANEWS) (coord. P. Tirelli, Un. Milano-Bicocca).
2011-2016 INET grant International Network on Expectational Coordination (INEXC) (coord. Roger Guesnerie, College de France).
2012-2014 INET-CIGI grant Heterogeneous Expectations and Financial Crises.
2011-2014 EU FP7 collaborative project Complexity Models for Systemic Instabilities and Crises (CRISIS), (coord. D. Delli-Gatti, UCSC, Milano & D. Farmer, Oxford/SFI)
2010-2015 Complexity grant Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) Understanding financial instability through complex systems (with Dutch Central Bank)
NWO Complexity website:
2008-2011 EU FP7 STREP project Monetary and Fiscal Policy with heterogeneous agents (POLHIA) (coordinator D. Delli-Gatti, UCSC, Milano)
2005-2008 EU Complex Markets STREP-grant (coordinator M. Salmon, Warwick, UK)
1998-2005 NWO-Pionier grant Centern Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF).
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