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Choosing a Minor

With a minor, you can tailor your studies to your interests and future. Both UvA students and non-UvA students can enroll. Check out our wide range of options and get inspired!

Tips for choosing a minor
  • Tip 1: Think outside the box

    A minor doesn't have to be related to your current studies. Maybe you're curious about another topic or field. This is a great opportunity to try a course from a different faculty.
  • Tip 2: Prepare for future studies or career options

    Think about which Master's programme or career you're interested in. A minor could help you meet admissions requirements or prepare you for your future job.
  • Tip 3: Delve deeper into your favourite subjects

    This is your chance to focus more on the topics you're really interested in within your Bachelor's programme and become an expert in those areas.
Jetske Bijdendijk | UvA career coach
Not sure what minor to choose? Talking with a career coach from the UvA Student Careers Centre can help.
Still need help with choosing your Minor?

We give you three tips on how to choose your Minor. Watch the video.