Theatre Studies maintains close relations with local and international theatrical and cultural institutions. The UvA is the only Dutch university offering a complete study programme (Bachelor’s and Master’s). The combination of theatre practice and theorisation enables graduated Bachelor’s students to choose all kinds of professions within the cultural sector. They can also follow up their Bachelor’s with a Master’s in International Dramaturgy, or do research in the arts or international theatre. The Bachelor’s core courses are history, analysis and the dramaturgy of theatre in the Netherlands and Europe. Important themes include youth theatre, opera, and the theatricality of everyday activities.
The Master’s programme is increasingly becoming more international in character in terms of students and education. Some of the issues dealt with by the programme include the challenges presented by globalisation for (trans)national theatre and performance arts, as well the theories that provide insight into new and historical ways of acting and spectating in medial, urban and political constellations.
Theatre Studies has had its own theatre since 1968.