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The internal check on the accuracy of the institutional tuition fee charged to students who registered for the 2023-2024 academic year has been completed.

The audit took place following concerns raised by the Central Student Council (CSR) about possible incorrect invoicing. The CSR suggested that thousands of students may have paid too much in tuition fees. After checking, it appears that of the 5,930 students who fall under the institutional tuition fee rate, 13 students (0.23%) paid too much, with the average overpayment being €300. In more than 99% of cases the correct rate was charged. In one case, too little was charged.


Students who paid too much will automatically receive a refund. The debt for the single underpaid rate will be waived. The students who paid too much had registered for multiple studies or made multiple changes and were charged multiple starting rates upon registration. In the future, efforts will be made to check the amounts charged earlier and to further automate invoicing.

The results of the audit have now been fed back and explained to the representative advisory bodies.