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Skillshare Amsterdam Law School is an English-language career programme designed specifically for researchers of the Amsterdam Law School and focuses on strategic career choices. The programme includes pitching training, grant proposal writing, networking and research methods.

Skillshare Amsterdam Law School is the career programme for researchers at the faculty of law of the UvA. Researchers train skills needed in determining a personal career path in science. In addition, Skillshare is intended not only as a learning platform, but also as a platform for sharing experiences and discussing career challenges with peers and successful senior researchers from the faculty and beyond.


There will be 2 programmes offered in 2024-2025:

  • Skillshare for PhDs: CV & career strategy, pitching & networking, grant writing. 
  • Skillshare for university teachers (postdocs, junior UDs/UHDs): grant writing, CV and career strategy, pitching, networking, narrative CV. 

In addition, Skillshare regularly organizes impact workshops.

Information and registration 

Participation is only possible as an UvA employee. On the employee website of the Amsterdam Law School there is more information about the Skillshare programme and you can read how you can register. Do you have questions about the content of the programme? If so, please contact Frances Singleton.