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General contact information

Postbus 1030 
1000 BA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Practical information for UvA students

Information on timetables, academic student counselling, the library and other practical information can be found in the A-Z on the student website.

Useful contact information, such as that of the Education Desk, can also be found on the student website.


Information on Bachelor's and Master's programmes and the corresponding contact information can be found on the pages for prospective students.


Contact information for Law faculty staff can be found using the search function in the upper right corner.

Contact information for the organisational structure can be found using the link below.

Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room Location Amsterdam Law School
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam

Roeterseiland is a modern campus in the centre of Amsterdam
Watch the video about the Amsterdam Law School

Roeterseiland is a modern campus in the centre of Amsterdam. Learn more about the building of the Amsterdam Law School and the campus.