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Dr Marija Bartl (1980) has been appointed professor of Transnational Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam.
Marija Bartl
Marija Bartl. Photo Dirk Gillissen

Bartl’s research agenda revolves around the relationship between law and social change. At present, Bartl is completing a manuscript within her VENI project, titled 'Reclaiming Law: Legal Imaginaries and the Politics of Change’. In this book, she investigates how the ways in which we imagine law – both the (social) reality on which laws aim to intervene and the law’s capacity to actually do so – shape our sense of collective agency.

As a professor, Bartl will focus on exploring the possible contribution of law, and private law in particular, to socio-ecological transformation. She was recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant for a project titled 'Law as a Vehicle of Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices'. In the coming years, she will thus focus on the question how private law could nurture socially and environmentally.

Bartl teaches several courses, including 'Private law in a European and International Context’ and 'Making Markets Beyond the State: Between Private Law and International Economic Law'.

About Bartl
Bartl has been affiliated with the Amsterdam Law School since 2011. Currently she acts as a director of the UvA’s Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law and a managing director of the faculty research programme Sustainable Global Economic Law. Bartl previously served as a (deputy) director of the UvA’s Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, as well as the PhD Dean and PhD Programme Director.

Bartl has been a residential fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nantes, and a visiting fellow at Harvard Law School, Boston University and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law in Hamburg. She is a member of the board of directors of the Ius Commune Research School, and a member of the steering committee of the Euromemo Group. Bartl recently joined the editorial board of the European Law Journal.