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UvA Ventures Holding – the investment arm of the University of Amsterdam – is joining with ROM InWest to invest one million euros in UvA spinout company Ellogon, a specialist in AI applications for healthcare. The investment will enable the company to further integrate its AI tool – EIDOS – into existing immunotherapy treatments. EIDOS helps to make immunotherapy treatments more targeted, ensuring that this rapidly emerging and evolving cancer treatment can remain accessible and affordable for everyone.

Immunotherapy uses the patient's own immune system to attack cancer cells in the body, aiming to prevent the spread of the cancer, keep it under control, or eliminate it entirely. It is popular because it triples the chance of survival compared to traditional treatments. Many Dutch hospitals now prescribe immunotherapy.

EIDOS, which uses AI to select patients for immunotherapy, is one of the outcomes of the strategic partnership for the use AI in cancer treatments that Ellogon entered into in 2020 with the Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI).

Determining Success Rate Faster

‘Unfortunately, immunotherapy is not effective for everyone,’ explains Robert Kuipers, CEO of Ellogon. ‘Currently, about 30% of patients receiving immunotherapy do not see results, while the therapy would likely benefit about 15% of non-selected patients. Our solution helps to determine the success rate of immunotherapy more accurately. This increases the patient's chance of survival and keeps healthcare costs more manageable.’

Affordable Care for Everyone

Immunotherapy is currently very expensive: costs range from 50,000 to 200,000 euros per patient. Meanwhile, the demand for affordable cancer treatment methods is growing rapidly, with the number of cancer cases is expected to increase by 70% over the next twenty years. ‘ROM InWest is investing in Ellogon because they make it possible for more cancer patients who would benefit from immunotherapy to actually receive this treatment,’ says Janet Nieboer, CEO of ROM InWest. ‘This is a prime example of how digitalisation contributes to accessible and affordable care for everyone.’

Rudi Rust, CEO of UvA Ventures, is also enthusiastic about Ellongon: ‘We're very excited to be able to announce this investment. It’s wonderful that a company originating at the UvA will be leading the way in exploring more personalized and effective solutions in the fight against cancer.’

About UvA Ventures Holding 

UvA Ventures Holding is an early-stage investor in academic spin-off companies from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). UvA Ventures Holding works closely with academics and entrepreneurs at the earliest stage of company formation to support the commercialisation of knowledge. For more information: https://www.uvaventures.nl/