- 16.45 – 17.00: doors open
- 17.00 – 17.15: Welcome and introduction by the CDO and The Black Archives
- 17.15 – 18.00: Tour through the archives
- 18.15: Expected end
During the tour, you will learn more about:
- The founding and importance of The Black Archives – Why is it crucial to document Black history and culture?
- The history of Dutch slavery in a broader colonial context – How does Dutch history connect to the larger European colonial system?
- The legacy of colonialism and slavery today – Institutional racism, discrimination, and inequality (e.g., the benefits scandal, job market discrimination).
- Stories of resistance and empowerment – How have Black communities in the Netherlands organized and made an impact?
- Diversity, inclusion, and justice – What can we do to create a more equal society?
After the tour, there will be time for dialogue and a Q&A, and you can visit the pop-up exhibition Nobody is Free Until Everybody is Free.