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On Saturday, 12 October, the UvA Alumni Week will kick off with an inspiring programme. After a warm welcome from President of the UvA Executive Board Edith Hooge, Sennay Ghebreab, professor of Socially Intelligent AI, will deliver the keynote lecture. The opening programme will be presented by writer and theater-maker Abdelkader Benali. The UvA Alumni Week celebrates the strong international network of influential leaders, innovators, and visionaries who bring about positive change worldwide. We are proud that you, as UvA alumni, are part of this community. Together with you, we have been making a global difference since 1632.
Event details of Alumni Week: Opening UvA Alumni Week
12 October 2024
13:00 -14:15
Photo: Kirsten van Santen
Sennay Ghebreab

Sennay Ghebreab is Professor of Socially Intelligent AI at the University of Amsterdam, Programme Director of the Master’s in Information Studies, and founder and scientific director of the Civic AI Lab. During the opening, he will deliver a keynote on the power of engagement.

Abdelkader Benali

Abdelkader Benali is a writer, (television) presenter, and theatre-maker. He has won, among other things, the Libris Literature Prize. In the 2018-2019 academic year, Abdelkader was an Honorary Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. 

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