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Opening Academic Year 2023-2024: a plea for tolerance
Society is becoming increasingly polarised. During the opening of the new academic year, President of the Board Geert ten Dam and Mayor Femke Halsema advocated for mutual respect, understanding, and giving each other room for debate, both within and outside the university. And it’s precisely university scholars who should facilitate a constructive dialogue.
Event details of
Opening Academic Year 2023-2024: a plea for tolerance
University President Geert ten Dam will speak about tolerance and academic freedom
Mayor Femke Halsema’s speech will focus on the importance of public intellectuals
Musical intermezzos by members of the Student Choir Amsterdam and the Sweelinck-Orchestra
Repair movement: Bike Kitchen UvA
Environmental chemist Antonia Praetorius, geographer Lies Jacobs, junior researcher Bernou Boven and 100 people from the general public will hunt for microplastics in wastewater
UvA secrets: the Technology Centre
You can watch the recording of the Opening of the 2023-2024 Opening Academic Year via the link below (in Dutch). A recording with English subtitels will be available from 8 September.
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