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In her inaugural lecture, Gabriele Klein, the first professor of Ballet and Dance in the Netherlands, will examine the role of dance studies within the academic field of cultural studies and art theory. She will also look at its relationship to the artistic practice of dance.
Event details of The role of dance studies
21 September 2023
Gabriele Klein (photo: Johanna Liebsch)
Gabriele Klein (photo: Johanna Liebsch)

Klein will address several questions: What is special about dance studies? What are its theories and methods? How can dance studies be integrated into an interdisciplinary scientific landscape? How is dance research possible not through and about, but in and with artistic practice? What effects and repercussions does dance research have on artistic practice? How can a successful transfer between dance art and dance studies, practice and theory look like? 

Prof. dr. Gabriele Klein, professor by special appointment of Ballet and Dance (Hans van Manen chair): What is, and to what End do we study, Dance Studies?

The inaugural lecture will be in English.

You can watch this inaugural lecture here