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Mw. L. Sarıaslan will defend the dissertation 'Pins on the Map: Urban Mappings in European-Turkish Contemporary Art'. Supervisor is Prof. L.A. Bialasiewicz. The co-supervisor is Dr G.J.A. Snel.
Event details of Pins on the Map: Urban Mappings in European-Turkish Contemporary Art
12 April 2022

In reflecting on how maps and mapping can serve as sources and inspiration for contemporary art, Lora Sariaslan's dissertation examines a group of European-Turkish/Turkish-European artists from a range of aesthetic and cultural perspectives. It locates how these artists, who work in a variety of media, have engaged maps and other forms of cartographic practice. Sometimes consciously and sometimes not, these practitioners have approached mapping as a flexible and fertile realm for contemporary artistic practice, especially in urban settings. The artists, and the cities on which their work focuses, are Servet Koçyiğit (b. 1971, Kaman, Turkey), who works in and on Amsterdam; Nasan Tur (b. 1974, Offenbach, Germany) and Nevin Aladağ (b. 1972, Van, Turkey), both artists’ works are set in Istanbul; and lastly Nilbar Güreş (b. 1977, Istanbul, Turkey), who works in and on Vienna. The reflections presented are shaped by these artists’ multiple belongings, their creative mappings of the city, and their attempts to develop a new map that revolves around the hyphen in European-Turkishness/Turkish-Europeanness.

Servet Kocyigit, Golden Lining, 2016 Textile collage, paint, embroidery, buttons, 120x170x4 cm. Courtesy of the artist

You can find UvA dissertations and other publications in the UvA-DARE database.

You can watch the ceremony here


Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 - 231
1012 EZ Amsterdam