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Despite Dutch governmental communication on Budget Day (Prinsjesdag) and the draft UvA’s draft 2025 budget presented last week, much is still unclear about upcoming budget cuts and their implications within the organisation. We still know very little about the measures to be taken in concrete terms. Nevertheless, the Central Works Council would like to provide the Executive Board and the deans with the following five recommendations in advance.
  1. There is great uncertainty and unrest among UvA employees and students. Therefore: inform employees in time, rather than wait until all information has fully crystallized. Involve employees and pick their brains about possibilities. And if (painful) choices are made, make clear what the choices were, and which considerations have led to particular choices.
  2. Prevent valuable employees from resigning to seek greener pastures elsewhere.
  3. Maintain solidarity. Avoid situations where everyone thinks only about themselves (faculties, departments, programs) and the atmosphere hardens.
  4. Take care of the most vulnerable employees, e.g. temporary personnel, employees on contracts about to expire, PhD candidates, and colleagues on (partial) sick leave.
  5. Do not cut back on facilities that were committed to at an earlier stage and/or are essential to our employees’ primary tasks (grants, laboratories, data access et cetera).