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For the third edition of the VOX-POP programme series Queer Bodies, we dive into the theme of shapeshifting: the art of transformation, change, and transcending fixed identities. How can the body adapt, evolve, and resist rigid definitions? What role does transformation play in queer art and philosophy?
Event details of Artishock x Queer Bodies: Shapeshifting sculpture workshop
9 April 2025
19:30 -21:30
BG 3
BG3 (ground floor)

On this evening, we will explore these questions with designer Annemieke Efdee. Through an interactive sculpture workshop, we will investigate how embodiment, identity, and expression can flow and transform. Through storytelling and collective reflection, we invite participants to explore the boundaries of their own bodies and imaginations.

This event is part of Queer Bodies, a programme series curated by writer, director, theatre- and filmmaker Tine Tabak. In their work, Tine explores the queer body as a source of knowledge and storytelling, blending art, philosophy and literature. With Queer Bodies, they bring together artists and academics to deepen and make queer perspectives visible.

We invite you to join us for this special evening as we collectively explore the power of transformation and fluidity.

BG 3

Room BG3 (ground floor)
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam