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Join VOX-POP's student programme team on June 6 for an enlightening and empowering evening dedicated to the fascinating fusion of art and activism. After an inspiring lecture on feminist art activism in Latin America by Sérgio Pereira Andrade, we will tap into our own artivist creativity during a special lino-print workshop hosted by artist Marieke Luthart!
Event details of CLOSE UP #7.4 ARTIVISM
6 June 2024
19:00 -21:30
BG 3

About the programme

Through an engaging lecture, Dr. Sèrgio Pereira Andrade will share the work of feminist Latin-American artists and activists in the dictatorship times and in the current neoliberal context. Entering into a shared discussion, we’ll together unravel the layers of meaning behind art as a potent tool for sparking social change and fostering collective action. 

Afterward, we will have a special lino print workshop led by illustrator Marieke Luthart, where you will have the opportunity to create your own designs and print them onto a collective work of activist art. 

As part of this event, we're also excited to inaugurate our own curatorial contribution to the Klimaat Museum exhibition ‘Radical Connection’, which is being hosted in VOX-POP! This opening will serve as a platform allowing us to explore the artworks and theme of radical connection firsthand through the lens of artivism.

We invite you to join us for an evening filled with inspiration, dialogue, and celebration of creativity with a purpose!

Practical information

  • What? CLOSE UP #7.4: ARTIVISM
  • When? Thursday 6 June, 18:30 walk-in, programme 19:00-21:00 
  • Where? VOX-POP, Binnengasthuisstraat 9, 1012 ZA, Amsterdam
  • Costs? Free! Register at the link below to reserve your spot now!


Dr. Sérgio Pereira Andrade is a Brazilian artist and scholar specializing in dance, performance, and philosophy. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from PUC-Rio, Brazil, with a research internship at New York University, USA. Since June 2024, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Arts and Culture, Division of Theater Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Currently, he is co-director of the research center Ecologies 'Hemispheric Encounters: Developing Transborder Research-Creation Practices", which brings together scholars, artists, activists, and community organizations from across the Americas to explore hemispheric performance as an artistic practice for addressing social and environmental justice

Marieke Luthart (1996) is an illustrator and painter currently living and working in Amsterdam, NL. Her work is very diverse and includes linocuts, pen drawings and acrylic paintings. Through her work, she aims to provide insight into the worlds of others in order to develop greater understanding of each other. As an illustrator, she’s eager to contribute to a more inclusive society. She works for various clients and is always looking for a genuine connection.


VOX-POP's programming is co-hosted by an annually changing group of talented students. Every 6-8 weeks they organize a 'CLOSE UP' evenings in which a social issue is examined by academics, professionals and artists. This year's brand new student programmers are eager to provide you with surprising programs where we dive into interesting topics together. 

Tessel, Pati, Sara, Fern, Miles (foto: Bente Tas)

Our student program makers

Every year, a group of talented students join their forces together at VOX-POP. Through a talent development program, they gain experience as cultural program makers. They learn to curate and produce a program, from editing to production. The 2023-2024 program team consists of Fern, Tessel, Miles, Sara and Pati!