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VOX-POP presents ArtiShock. Every month on a Thursday, VOX-POP transforms into a workshop for chaos and creativity. From DJ classes to linocutting workshops, each time you practice with a different art form. This month we will discover the craft of bookbinding with artist Michał Jurys! Together, we will create our own custom bookcovers, using the naturally dyed fabrics from the previous ArtiShock or fabric provided by Michał.
Event details of ArtiShock #7: Bookbinding
23 May 2024
16:00 -19:00
BG 3

Always had a passion for personalized notebooks? In this workshop, artist Michał Jurys will show you how to make a hard book cover. The session will focus on discovering different varieties of paper and learning ways to put them together into the form of a book. Together, we will create personal, handmade notebooks perfect for all your writings, drawings and doodles!

Giving paper a second life
All the paper we will use during the workshop is leftover material from the printing industry. We're going to start this workshop with a brief sensory introduction to multiple kinds of paper and binding techniques.

Use your own fabric
The main part of the workshop will be dedicated to making hardcover notebooks by gluing textiles on boards. You can bring your own fabric from the previous ArtiShock workshop, or you use fabrics provided by Michał.

About Michał Jurys

Michał Jurys (1978, PL/NL) is a Gerrit Rietveld Academy graduate, artist and designer who works with various aspects of print and paper. Michał concentrates in his practice on the relationship between the person and the structures around him. He is the founder of Studio M13 - an Amsterdam based art space for cross–disciplinary presentations, performances and workshops and he teaches creative classes for children at the Polish school in Delft. In 2014, he co-founded Pear Paper, a company dedicated to bringing back the art of making notes, writing and leaving "traces" on paper. With Pear Paper, he combines a passion for paper with traditional printmaking techniques such as silkscreening and letter press to produce notebooks, cards and paper light sculptures. At VOX-POP, he will come and teach us the craft of bookbinding.

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam