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The Goede Gesprekken edition of 6 April takes the exhibition CROSS-POLLINATIONS on display at exhibition space VOX-POP as its starting point. The exhibition is a great example of interdisciplinary collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science. What else do the two faculties have to offer each other?
Event details of Goede Gesprekken X CROSS-POLLINATIONS
6 April 2023
12:00 -13:00
BG 3

Dean Marieke de Goede (FGw) goes into conversation with Peter van Tienderen, dean of the FNWI, and researchers Gaston Franssen and Kasia Lech.

NB. The conversation will take place in English.

Important Information

  • What? Goede Gesprekken x CROSS-POLLINATIONS
  • When? 6 April 2023, 12:00-13:00
  • Where? VOX-POP, Binnengasthuistraat 9
  • Costs? Free! 
BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam