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Use of a nitrogen-doped porous carbon material for enriching phosphorylated proteins or peptides.
M. Camenzuli, S. Koot and G. Rothenberg, Eur. Pat. Appl. 17172844.7, 09/2017.


Supercapacitor and porous material.
D. Eisenberg and G. Rothenberg, Eur. Pat. Appl. EP16171357, 05/2016.


Method for removing cyanide compounds from wastewater.
P. Oulego Blanco, N.R. Shiju and G. Rothenberg, WO2016/120394 (January 29, 2015).


Core-shell particles with catalytic activity.
V.R. Calderone, N.R. Shiju, G. Rothenberg and D. Curulla-Ferré. WO 2014/086812 (December 4, 2013)


Core-shell particles with catalytic activity.
V.R. Calderone, N.R. Shiju, G. Rothenberg and D. Curulla-Ferré. WO 2012/163969 (May 30, 2011)


Composite material comprising synthetic filler and specific polymer.
A.H. Alberts and G. Rothenberg, EP 2511326; WO 2012/140239 (April 14, 2011).


Laminate comprising carrier and coating polymer.
A.H. Alberts and G. Rothenberg, WO 2012/140238 (April 14, 2011). 


Composite material comprising bio-filler and specific polymer.
A.H. Alberts and G. Rothenberg, WO 2012/140237 (April 14, 2011). 


Organophosporous compounds, catalytic systems including said compounds, and hydrocyanation method using said catalytic systems.
S. Mastroianni, P. Pringle, A. Maldonado, G. Rothenberg and I. Mikhel, WO 2011/032835 (March 24, 2011)


Production of fatty acid alkyl esters.
A.C. Dimian, G. Rothenberg and R. Schut, WO 2012/072574 (November 29, 2010). 


Production and separation of fatty acid alkyl esters.
A.C. Dimian, G. Rothenberg and R. Schut, WO 2012/072557 (November 29, 2010)


Process for preparing foamed polymer.
A.H. Alberts and G. Rothenberg, WO 2012/052385 (October 19, 2010).


Process for manufacturing acid esters through reactive distillation.
A.C. Dimian and G. Rothenberg, WO 2010/010111 (January 28, 2010).


Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts: Its production by melting the precursors and its use for esterification of fatty acids with alcohols.
G. Rothenberg and A.C. Dimian, WO 2010/010118 (January 28, 2010).


Sampling device and method for measuring fluid flow and solute mass transport.
H. de Jonge and G. Rothenberg, WO 03/098167 (November 27, 2003).


Preparation of metal and quaternary onium hydroxides.
Z. Lavie, Y. Sasson, G. Rothenberg and H. Wiener, IL133622A (December 20, 1999).