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Gadi Rothenberg, professor of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at HIMS, has been elected as a board member of the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society (ORCS).

As a knowledge society, the ORCS is particularly known for its biennial conferences that combine both fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis with attendees both from industry (about 60%) and academia. "ORCS conferences are a great opportunity to learn what is really happening in the field of catalysis, especially what are the current challenges that the industry is facing", says Rothenberg. “They are typically small, with 150–200 participants and lots of informal discussion”. He has a special connection to ORCS as in 2006 he was awarded the society’s Paul N. Rylander prize for catalysis in organic reactions. Rothenberg will serve on the ORCS board as the non-North American Director for the coming two years, contributing to the efforts to make the 2022 ORCS conference in Jacksonville a resounding success.

Visit the website of the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society.