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Our research commitment is paralleled by a similar commitment in teaching: we train students at all levels to follow fundamental and sound scientific approaches in order to understand the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and to solve complex water problems. We contribute to teaching programmes in the BSc programmes Biology and Future Planet Studies and are responsible for the MSc track Freshwater and Marine Biology.

BSc Biology (Dutch programme)

In the bachelor Biology, FAME is responsible for the courses: ‘Introduction to Freshwater and Marine Biology’, ‘Challenges in Freshwater and Marine Ecology’, ‘Field experiments in Marine Biology’ and ‘Ecotoxicology and Environmental Quality’ and ‘The Power of Microbes’. In addition, we contribute to several other courses, the keystone projects, mini-scripties’ and the bachelor research projects.

Copyright: Jorn van Eck/FNWI Communicatie
Wat betekent klimaatverandering voor de planten en dieren in onze omgeving? Wat is het effect van de “plastic-soep” op de biodiversiteit in de oceanen? In de bachelor Biologie leer je onderzoek te doen en antwoorden te vinden op dit soort vragen. De studie Biologie gaat over alles wat leeft (mensen, dieren, planten, micro-organismen) en dat bestudeer je op alle niveaus, van molecuul tot ecosysteem, en de samenhang daartussen. Een enorm veelzijdige opleiding dus!

BSc Future Planet Studies (Dutch programme)

In the bachelor Future Planet Studies, FAME is responsible for the course ‘Challenges for the Blue Planet’ and also contributes to several other courses and to the ‘Bachelor projects’.

Copyright: Fred-van-Diem-2018
Hoe kunnen wij ons leven inrichten op een manier die de aarde niet uitput of oververhit? Grote uitdagingen als klimaatverandering zijn complex en vragen om specialisten die de juiste kennis uit verschillende vakgebieden kunnen combineren. Bij deze bachelor leer je diverse perspectieven rondom duurzaamheid bundelen, afwegen en gebruiken als startpunt voor mogelijke oplossingen.

MSc track Freshwater and Marine Biology (English programme)

In 2002 we started with this master track and ever since we include the latest developments in freshwater and marine biology in a rewarding programme. Students can choose from a variety of courses (see study guide), but a the main focus of the programme lies on applying the scientific method in a wide range of settings by conducting research projects conducted either within the university, at other research institutes in the Netherlands or abroad. The entire FAME staff is involved, bringing students in contact with world renowned research in freshwater and marine ecosystems around the world. Research topics include aquatic and marine microbiology, ecology and ecotoxicology, tropical marine biology, benthic ecology and biological oceanography.

Copyright: IBED-AMB research group
In the two-year track Freshwater & Marine Biology in the Master's programme Biological Sciences, you will immerse yourself in research ranging from tropical marine biology to the ecology of freshwater wetlands ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems teem with organisms, ranging from tiny phytoplankton and zooplankton to coral, fish, and whales. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems are also used as 'dumping grounds' for much of society's waste and are profoundly affected by global change. In this unique study programme, topics are investigated from different perspectives, ranging from molecular studies to laboratory experiments and field investigations, long-term monitoring and the development of advanced mathematical models. The master's diploma qualifies for excellent positions both in- and outside the academia, anywhere in the world

Research projects

There are many opportunities to do research projects and literature studies (both at the BSc and MSc level) as part of your study. For students enrolled in one of our programmes, please visit the CANVAS website of your study (intranet) for an overview. If you are looking for a specific research topic, please contact one of our staff members to explore opportunities. For an overview of research ares in FAME, please visit our research page.

Other FAME teaching activities

Honours programme, PE&RC PhD courses, Amsterdam University College