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Finished and currently running DECOTAB projects are listed below. If you want your project to be listed here, please contact us via the contact form:

Oxygen drives benthic-pelagic decomposition pathways in shallow wetlands

The aim of this project is to assess the relative contribution of interacting microbes and invertebrates to organic matter decomposition and consumption in shallow wetlands, where anoxic conditions occur during summer. A field study is performed in which we continuously monitored dissolved oxygen concentrations, determined invertebrate community composition, and quantified microbial decomposition and invertebrate consumption with DECOTABS in 15 permanent peat drainage ditches in The Netherlands. This project is headed by Gea van der Lee (2016 - present).

The effect of agricultural practices on the degradation of organic matter by microorganisms and invertebrates

At Leiden University, the Netherlands, a project is running which aims to resolve the effect of agricultural practices on the degradation of organic matter in adjacent drainage ditches, with a particular focus on organic matter composition and the use of agricultural chemicals. A series of experiments is performed in laboratory microcosms and in the field. This project is headed by dr. Ellard Hunting and dr. Martina Vijver (2014 - present).

The use of feeding of aquatic invertebrates as an assay to evaluate toxic effects of micro pollutants under laboratory and field conditions

The aim of this subject is to assess the applicability of feeding rate for different priority pollutants for different aquatic invertebrate species and to compare the results with the use of DECOTAB substrates. This project is headed by dr. Maarten De Jonge and dr. Lieven Bervoets  (2014 - present).

Evaluation of decomposition and consumption tablets (decotabs) as a standard substrate for measuring stream organic matter decomposition

This project is headed by dr. Brent Johnson (2014 - present).