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The aim of the Experimental & Political Economics programme is improving the understanding of the behavioural determinants and consequences of economic decision making by focusing on political economic issues, allowing for bounded rationality, and using laboratory experimentation as a research method.
Experimental & Political Economics

Main projects

Our research programme consists of 3 main projects:

Institutional embedding

The research of this programme is carried out within the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision-making (CREED), a research institute of Economics and Business. CREED was established in 1991 by a PIONIER-grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Scientific Research (NWO) for the development of experimental economics in the Netherlands. An important facility is the CREED-laboratory for experimental economics, one of the few dedicated computer laboratories in Europe. Its focus on political decision making and experimental economics distinguishes CREED internationally.


If you have a question related to the Experimental & Political Economics programme, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prof. dr. J.H. (Joep) Sonnemans

Programme Director