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We are very happy to announce that Carolyn Birdsall has accepted our invitation to become ASCA’s new Vice-Director! Carolyn is Associate Professor of Media Studies. She joined ASCA in 2004 as a PhD candidate and defended her thesis in 2010. 

Her first book, Nazi Soundscapes (AUP, 2012) was the recipient of the ASCA Book Award 2013, and most recently she published Radiophilia (2023).

Carolyn is director of the ASCA Cities Project, and she recently completed the NWO-Vidi project TRACE (Tracking Radio Archival Collections in Europe, 1930-1960), which examined how European radio recordings were archived, circulated and re-used under conditions of war, occupation and reconstruction. Since December 2024, she is leading a 1-year follow-up project AV-DATA: Developing A Toolkit for AV-Collection Histories to Enrich Data and Public Value.

Carolyn will start as Vice-Director on February 1, 2025, and she will be responsible for the ASCA PhD Community. Carolyn is looking forward to serving as ASCA's Vice-Director, working together with Jaap, Eloe and Jantine, and meeting with ASCA's PhD candidates and researchers.